The AIFV (Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle), also known to the Dutch Army as YRP-765, was originally developed as the successor to the world best-selling M113 APC, in late 1970's. It has a 25mm cannon in the small turret, and improved armor. As far as combat capability, the AIFV is inferior to the more modern powerful ICVs (Infantry Combat Vehicle) which are equipped with larger cannon and Anti-tank missiles, like the M2A2 Bradley and the BMP-3. But its reasonable procurement cost is very attractive to the Armies of small countries.
- AFV Club offers this interim AFV design in a high quality kit.
- The kit is thoroughly detailed and parts are molded very sharply.
- A photo-etchd set for engine grilles and fuel can racks are included, too.
- Tracks (rubber belt type), drive sprocket and idler wheels are US standard.
- Decals are for Armies of Belgium, Turkey (UN Roll) and the Philippines (thus the kit is named NATO IFV).