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Deluxe Materials Hobby Products

With over 50 Years of experience Deluxe Materials combine the Expertise of Modelling and Chemistry to manufacture Chemical products designed specifically for the modellers needs, whether that is making a plastic model kit, Constructing a Train Layout, building a miniature army or repairing an RC Vehicle.


Deluxe Materials offers a range of options depending on the material you wish to bond. If you are constructing a model kit and require a strong bond, Deluxe Materials AD77 Plastic Magic Glue is an excellent choice as it is a solvent it effectively welds the plastic together and sets clear giving a invisible glue line. Plastic Magic is a stand out hobby cement as it can be used to bond a number of different Plastics including ABS (LEGO Bricks), Styrene (plastic kits), Plastic Card, Butyrate, PVC, Poly-carbonate/Lexan (RC Bodies) and Acrylic.

For a low odour and non-toxic plastic cement for building your model kit with precision then Deluxe Materials AD92 Precision Plastic Glue 25g offers a great selection with a needle that can be replaced, so you don't need to worry about clogging. It also provides an invisible glue line and is non-flammable so you can take your hobby on holidays even if your flying to your destination. The Precision Plastic Glue works on all types of Styrene used in plastic model kits.

The Best option is Deluxe Materials AD55 Glue n Glaze which is ideal for making crystal clear windows and bonding canopies on most plastics. Glue N Glaze can bond wood, plastic, metal and painted surfaces and can be used to glaze windows up to 6mm. Be sure to apply the glue using micro tips for precision work.

Alternatively if you require a strong bond Deluxe Materials AD46 Rocket Odourless Glue offers Crystal clear bonds that is non-blooming/non- fogging it is also foam safe so a great option for your RC Plane.

When glueing foam you need to be careful as some glue will melt the foam. Deluxe Materials AD34 Foam 2 Foam 50ml UN1133 offers the best solution when you a modelling with foam it is a strong glue that still allows for some adjustment. It is ideal for Foam Model Aircraft which often includes a few more materials than foam as it will bond: Depron, white, blue and EPO Foams, wood and plastic. On top of that it is flexible allowing it to handle the pressure of flying and dries clear so your aircraft looks good.

Deluxe Materials BD67 Looks Like Glass is a very versatile product acting both as a means to repair scratches in a canopy or for giving plastic a glass like finish. Looks Like Glass is easy to work with as it is water based and as it is super thin and transparent you can easily dip your plastic canopies into the solution to get that glass-like finish while maintaining surface details. Make sure you allow 2-3 hours drying time.

Looks Like Glass Applications

  • Adhesive for Clear Windows
  • A Wet look finish on plastic
  • Sealing minor scratches
  • Glass like finish for Canopies, Windows, Mirrors, visors etc
  • Super thin Varnish to assist with transfers
  • Polish effect on tiled floors