Trains Analogue Control (DC) Controllers
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Powerline PR-TC2 DC Train Controller and Transformer (2 Amp)
Product Code: PR-TC2
DCC Concepts DCP-18.2.AU 18V DC 2A DCC Power Supply 2.5mm Plug
Product Code: DCP-18.2.AU
Kato 22-018 Controller with Transformer and Australian Plug
Product Code: KA22-018
Hornby R7229 Analogue Train and Accessory Controller (Power Supply Not Included)
Product Code: HOR-R7229
Hornby R7292 OO HM6000 App Based Analogue Control
Product Code: HOR-R7292
Hornby R7293 OO HM6010 App Based Accessory Control
Product Code: HOR-R7293
Tomix 5574 N TCS automatic driving unit NII
Product Code: TMX05574