Citadel Paints and Tools
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Citadel Colour paints are perfect for painting up all your Warhammer models, and work great on any other models you've got your hands on. Along side their excellent range of paints, Citadel also offers a wide array of tools for cutting, assembling, and cleaning your models. Taking you from sprue to tabletop all with their excellent range.
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- Contrast paints
like speed paints* are designed to make Painting easy and quicken the process.These are supposed to remove the need to “base” then “shade” your minis.
- Base Paints
are typically your first layer after priming your model. These have High Pigment Density leading to a lot of vibrancy added to a model. These have a Matt (Flat) finish.
- Shade Paints
allow you to bring life and depth to your project. They provide a dark tone to cracks and crevices creating the look of “shade” along your model. These can also be used as washes for weathering.
- Layer Paints
are like “Base” paints however they have less pigment in their mixture. Designed to go directly on top of “Base” Paints and vise versa these help to make your mini brighter and add highlights.
- Dry Paints
are thicker paints than Citadels other ranges. These paints are amazing for dry brushing! Making it easier to make small details pop and create highlights.
- Technical Paints
have a thick and dry consistency. This helps create a story along the base of your models. They help create the appearance of soil, snow or even Blood along your models.
- Liquid Green stuff
is often used to help fill in cracks and gaps along the seems of your models. Similar to Sprue goo* which is a mixture of Tamiya super thin and excess sprue chucks it acts similar a putty.