Ixion Models HO A956 VR A2 Class 4-6-0 Steam Locomotive Spoked Coal Tender Bar Cowcatcher
Please note that some corrections may have been made to these samples, and the raw zinc alloy parts in the photos (wheels, buffers, motion) are black nickel-plated on the production models.
- Smooth-running, powerful motor with flywheel and 40:1 gearbox
- Exceptional level of detail with crisp pad-printed loco numbers
- New push-to-click loco-tender coupling
- Directional lighting
- Speaker installed in tender of all models
- Zimo MS581N18 Next18-plug sound decoder with authentic A2 sound file in all DCC sound versions
- Genuine Kadee #148 scale couplers
- Sprung buffers
- Smokebox painted matt black, satin black applied to rest of loco
- Walschaerts valve gear
- Loco and tender joined in the box
- And, in a World’s First, a full-colour 3D-scanned and colour 3D-printed loco crew is included with each loco in the accessories pack, produced exclusively for Ixion by West Edge 3D.
- Driving wheels: Spoked
- Tender: Coal