Before electrification, the Uetsu Main Line had DD13-600 series locomotives equipped with multiple-heading control that were used as auxiliary locomotives for DD14-type locomotives in the winter, and in the summer when there was no snow removal operation, they pulled freight trains in multiple units.
The Tora 40000 series was an open-top car that appeared in 1960, and was characterized by its tall end boards.
- Reproduces seven old passenger cars belonging to Gunma Vehicle Center
- SuhaFu 42 2173 reproduces its appearance as a lounge car with newly produced seat parts
- SuhaFu 42 2234 reproduces its appearance when its paint was changed to Blue No. 15
- The seats of Ohani 36 and SuhaFu 32 are reproduced in blue, and the seats of Ohani 47 and SuhaFu 42-2234 are reproduced in green
- Reproduces the different door shapes and toilet/washroom windows of each car
- The roof ventilator is expressed in black
- The hood frame is reproduced in gray
- Includes reflector parts for use when out of service
- Car numbers are printed
- Cars equipped with taillights (Ohani 36, Suha 32, SuhaFu 42) are equipped with a constant lighting board based on the conductor's compartment side and have an ON-OFF switch
- New current collection system and black wheels are used
- Re12004
- Re12960
- Tora40222
- Tora40604
- Wara4364
- Wara8287
- Tasa25741
- Taki5221
- Wam91742
- Yo14491
- Runner parts: Underfloor equipment