Trains Buildings & Structures Finished Models
Peco LK217 HO/OO West Bay Station Building
Product Code: PEC-LK217
Price coming soon
Tomix 4290 N End parts set of One-sided platform (urban type)
Product Code: TMX04290
Tomix 4289 N One-sided platform (urban type) end set
Product Code: TMX04289
Tomix 4288 N Extension for 1-sided Platform urban type w/kiosk/light
Product Code: TMX04288
Tomix 4287 N Extension for 1-sided Platform urban type /store/lighting
Product Code: TMX04287
Tomix 4286 N Extension Set for 1-sided Platform urban type w/lighting
Product Code: TMX04286
Tomix 4285 N One-sided Platform urban type with lighting
Product Code: TMX04285
Tomix 4284 N Extension Set B for One-sided platform(urban type)
Product Code: TMX04284
Tomix 4283 N Extension Set A for One-sided platform(urban type)
Product Code: TMX04283
Tomix 4281 N One-sided platform set urban type
Product Code: TMX04281
Tomix 4280 N Island Home Home End Set
Product Code: TMX04280
Tomix 4279 N Island Home End Home Set
Product Code: TMX04279
Tomix 4278 N Island Platform Shop extension parts w/lighting
Product Code: TMX04278
Tomix 4277 N Island Platform Convenience extension parts w/lighting
Product Code: TMX04277
Tomix 4276 N Island Platform Urban Style Extension Part with lighting
Product Code: TMX04276
Tomix 4274 N Island Platform Urban Type Extention part
Product Code: TMX04274
Tomix 4218 N Large Office Building White
Product Code: TMX04218
Tomix 4078 N Multi passage width expansion set
Product Code: TMX04078
Tomix 4077 N Multi passage extension set
Product Code: TMX04077
Tomix 4032 N Platform Extension
Product Code: TMX04032
Tomix 4031 N One sided platform
Product Code: TMX04031
Tomix 4022 N Extension Platform w/roof
Product Code: TMX04022
Tomix 4021 N Island Type Platform
Product Code: TMX04021
Tomix 3269 N End part of Overhead poll set of 6
Product Code: TMX03269